Mesh Business Identity

Everything is done in the background

Written by Mesh | Jan 30, 2024 1:11:00 AM

Hear from Sam Alhadeff, Owner, Alhadeff Group LLC.  Alhadeff Group LLC.  

I own a little construction company called the Alhadeff Group. It's funny when things like this come up, right? When somebody, quote-unquote, 'invents' a new software for us to use, I think to myself, why wasn't this offered years ago? It seems to me so easy to have a third party simply just monitor data that's on a website, that's public, being a labor and industry website.

And I just, I don't understand why this wasn't brought out earlier. So the features that are most important to me are just like, I don't need to worry about it. Everything is done in the background, and I love the fact that I get one email. When, you know, again, XYZ contractor, his or her license, something is going on with the license. So I got one email saying XYZ contractor's license is not valid today. After it is resolved, I get one email saying, well, it looks like XYZ contractor fixed that problem. And now they are legal and being monitored. So I don't have to pay my bookkeeper to do it. Not only do I not have to pay my bookkeeper now to do it four times a year [because L&I told me that I should be doing these audits quarterly instead of yearly], everybody that I have come into contact with at Mesh, the owner, the salespeople, and the behind-the-scenes staff, everybody has been very eager to work with me and, you know, take a broad product and sharpen it into a product that will work specifically for me. So it's been a pleasure to get to know everybody at Mesh that I have been introduced to, and it has been seamless working with them.