Mesh Business Identity

Customer Testimonial - Freemodel - Adrian

Written by Mesh | Jan 3, 2024 10:48:00 PM

Hear from Adrian Raskulinecz, Head of Operations at Freemodel.

We decided to go with Mesh for a couple of reasons. The first reason was that we really felt comfortable working with the team that we'd interviewed with, making sure that we had the right rapport. As we are building our platform, I wanted to make sure that the people we are working with, you know, we could get along with, and they were great people.


It was easy for me to decide that they were going to be the right team. And in my past experience, this verification of our contractors has always been a very burdensome, very manual, time-consuming process. And when we came across Mesh, it really gave us some promise and hope that we'd be able to very easily take away most of the manual process and work with a more streamlined, quick-to-the-second product to get the verification. The experience so far with Mesh has really been, um, very simple and eye-opening. And it feels a little bit like customization, even though I know we're running on their uniform platform. The questions that they ask and the way they interact with us really helps me feel like they're answering our questions personally and solving for our problems specifically. What I value the most about the Mesh product is really the set-it-and-forget-it. I know that once that contractor is verified and I have that little green check mark that tells me they're ready to go, they're monitoring it. I don't have to worry about that. And if anything changes in that status, I am going to know right away without having to lift the phone or do any research on my own. It is going to be taken care of for me. We are currently paying $3,000 for the first 300 contractors and $10 for each contractor after. One of the things that we are most excited about here at Freemodel is what Mesh is bringing next. They're always letting us know the improvements that they're bringing and the new advances they're making in their platform. And when they share those with us, it is always very exciting to hear what's coming next. And we are looking forward to seeing how the product grows in the coming months and years.